surprise surprise

Please don't get mad--I''m computer illiterate.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Quote of the day: "One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. On can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few".
When I read this quote... the first image that came to my mind was...friends. Not the show Friends, but friends. I remember going into college and hearing a lot of people say that college is where you find the friends that you'll keep for a lifetime. And I have. But that's where this quote really applies I guess.... they are more beautiful if they are few. And my friends are beautiful, inside and out... b/c I know they accept me and love me for who I am, who I was, and who I will be...they accept me for me. And I am so grateful for that. I know that life may sometimes throw surprise blessings here and there... like pop quizzes, or lost bets, or new love... and like I said.. they are all blessings... and I thank God everyday for everything He has blessed me with. I am grateful for my family, my health, my friends, and my Love, and the ability to love... I remember being told that I'm different now--I don't reminisce as much as I used to...and I guess it's b/c I'm at a point in my life where I'm happily living in the present that I don't need to depend on memories to make me happy... and it's true.. I am happy. But lately, I've been reminiscing again... about Viento-life... how me and the girls would stay up and talk about everything... and stuff our faces in chips and soda(if we were lucky to find any).. and Turtle Rock... and our interpretive dances... how we'd moon each other just to get a reaction.. and how Liwanag surprised me for my 19th birthday...when I felt that it was just another day... Liwanag was there to make me realize how blessed I am...I really miss you guys...I miss playing mafia...heck, I even miss playing murder...I miss surprising people on their birthdays and living out the tradition of caking people...
I'm not sad that these moments have passed.. actually I feel blessed to have experienced them... I just wanted to say that I miss them... I miss Liwanag.


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