surprise surprise

Please don't get mad--I''m computer illiterate.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Ahhh-- summer vacation is finally here... and yet I have nothing summerish to do. My plans for this summer is work-work-work-and sleep. Yup, I only have two months of vacation and I only have work planned in my schedule. It's ok though, I'm looking forward to the first week of August. I'm giving myself that one week before school starts to be my real vacation time. Yay August! Hmm... why August? you may ask... well.... that's when the Bar is over! Yay August! Anyway, today I went to a meeting for Imagining Reality and I just realized that it's only been one week since our first theatre production. It's only been ONE week, yet it seems like a long long time ago. I love acting. Not that I'm very good at it, but I love trying to act. But somehow this last production was a challenge for me. It was an experience that gave me the chance to be vulnerable. It's weird b/c I don't really like feeling that way. But when we performed, we had to put ourselves into the character rather than the "ma-ar-te" way of doing it in which we become the character. That may not make sense, but .. I guess I'm just saying that we really had to reflect on who we were as individuals in order to make the character more real. It was a great experience. Even though I complained a lot (in my own head) overall I wouldn't trade the experience for anything else. To be able to actually live out one of my many dreams--to act/to entertain.... I guess I want to use this time to also thank the directors :Jei and Arlene.... thank you for the chance to live out my dream...I know it is just a sample of the awesome potential that your theatre company has... but I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your first cast...."Thank you... Thank you."


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