surprise surprise

Please don't get mad--I''m computer illiterate.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Good evening Bloggers... today's quote of the day is:
"God, with all His giving heart, can only give Himself as we recognize the depth of the need in our own lives." hmmm- thats a thinker eh? Anyway, this past week was really a blessing. on Tuesday, LOG performed a very powerful skit. very very powerful. Also, I was able to bond with some friends that I really missed. It's weird b/c no matter how much people say it, " Liwanag is a family, and everyone is always welcome, old members, new members, and non members also.... " it is so true. no matter how long you've been away, no matter what, once a family member, always afamily member. and i just want to thank you Liwanag, for being my family and for welcoming me back no matter how long it's been since i've been away. well.. yeah..
it's really encouraging and very awesome. Today, i spent a lot of time just reflecting on my life and realizing how blessed i am. i had lunch with Ang-Foo at oakview park .. and we kinda had an Arby's picnic there and we just talked and sat on the cool bench and just appreciated the the cool breeze and the fresh air and the innocent laughter of children playing in the playground and crying to their parents. What simple pleasures in life... how easy for us to take for granted. How blessed we are to even have opportunities like that. Thank you Lord. and thank you for putting the people in our lives in our lives.


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