surprise surprise

Please don't get mad--I''m computer illiterate.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

The Lord is a truly awesome and mysterious at the same time. I don't know... to be honest, sometimes I really have to "drive without a seatbelt" and just trust in Him. Pretty neat metaphor eh? yeah.. I thought so too. I actually heard it last night at this small faith group community thing here at St.Paul. It was an experience. Basically I guess the leader was aiming for an adult crowd for ages 20 -30 and coupled... so basically it was kinda awkward but not.... so the leader and his wife and baby boy was there.. and the leader's brother and sister, and mama and papa, and cousin with girlfriend... and me. It was nice though... we shared how our day went and shared how we started to find peace with God.. it was the first meeting for the 12 sessions of this catechism thing.. learning about our faith... it was nice. we even had a sheet of songs to sing before and after the sharing was done. so anyway.. that's how my day was last night... it was nice to be with people considering it was lightning and thundering and raining really really hard last night. I figured that if the lights were gonna go out.. i better be with some people so i wont get so scared. but anyway... Yesterday was wednesday.... and I had to go to this clinic in East LA called Roybal. It was a nice little clinic, only 2 stories. I went to the laboratory to basically shadow some technicians. It was fun, surprisingly. but at the end of the clinical, I was really really happy for some reason, not b/c it was over, but i was just really happy. I guess it was b/c the staff were really nice and willing to teach me.... so anyway, I used the elevator to go down to the bottom floor...(i was lazy) and I was just smiling sooooo big... and there was a patient in the elevator who spoke English.. and said..."you look happy... you must have passed a test or something" and I said.. no i'm just's a happy day today... and the man said... "well The Holy Spirit is shining through you... The Lord is a very loving God." that truly made my fact, that is still making my week. I haven't been the happiest person on this earth lately, or maybe earlier in the week.. but hearing that man say what he did.... my petty insecurities or weird thoughts shouldn't matter any more... hearing that man say that to me.... (I know this is gonna sound corny, but) it only confirms the reasons why I decided to be nurse. Even if I don't know all the answers to certain diagnoses or the names to medications or whatever... just a simple smile can make such a big difference. As a wise old old man once told me... "It's a beautiful day... Don't forget to smile."

ps. another thing I learned from my faith sharing last night was... no matter if you are making a business deal with a customer and you're trying to earn commission... treat him as if he were Jesus. and it doesn't only apply to business deals... just in everyday things... I know I've heard that phrase before.. but somehow it didn't really hit me until last night. I should treat everyone like Jesus. my patients, my family, my friends, strangers even. God is truly awesome and also very mysterious... yet... i have to learn how to "ride without a seatbelt" and just trust.


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