surprise surprise

Please don't get mad--I''m computer illiterate.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Good morning everyone!!!
so far so good. I'm still living up to my resolution about blogging. hopefully i'm not gonna jynx myself (knock on wood). Anyway, I hope everyone is praying really really hard tonight. Tomorrow is the first meeting of 2004. wow... where does time go? anyway, I went to the photo lab today and I printed about thirty pictures.. actually maybe on 10 different kinds of pictures but three or four copies each. so yeah, but anyway, I had a really fun night last night after mass. as i've mentioned before, i wanna utilize my last week of vacation as much as possible, so i'm trying to hang out with friends. Well, instead of sleeping, at 3 am, Cristina, Angie, and I stayed up talking about our lives... you know.... our childhood, our weird thoughts, our---whatever that came to mind. It's funny... you never really get to know a person unless you stay up all night talking and laughing at each other.... [i'm not sure if i'm making any sense right now-i'm suffering the consequences of sleeping so late] anyhoot... so yeah,,,, basically what i'm trying to say is... thanks girls... i really miss you and i'm glad i had the chance to bond with you guys. well... that's about all folks. I can't blog too much or else i'll run out of things to blog about next time... and i gotta blog, it's my resolution!!!!


note to self:

wrong: motem
correct: modem



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