surprise surprise

Please don't get mad--I''m computer illiterate.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Ok- It is time I should update my style a bit. I need to figure out how to make my blog more appealing. (add that to my resolution list)

Anyhoo-- for current updates:
It appears that the human body tends to reach it's health peak at the age of 25. I say this b/c after I turned the big 2-6, I noticed I am not as invincible as I once was. Just a few weeks ago, I started having sharp stabbing stomach pains in my mid upper abdomen. I literally could not walk up straight, I had to keep my abs flexed to deal with the pain. Later I found out that I have gastritis. It really isn't so bad... it's just that my upper intestines get irritated with certain foods and I have to take antacids before meals. It doesn't sound bad, but really.... antacids?! When I told my co-workers, they said, "Aren't you a little young for that?" It's true. But now I blame my gastritis on the clementine tangerines "cuties" from costco... Don't get me wrong, these cuties taste soooo good, but I guess I ate so much of them that it irritated my stomach to the point of having gastritis. I really am not sure if the tangerines were the cause... stress and caffeine, and other factors could have led to this, but it's ok... I always knew I had bad insides.


Blogger franny said...

hi, bih! hahaha. i knew you had weird insides from the moment you showed me that gurgly thing you do with your abdomen. but gastritis, really?!

anyway, i miss you! we are overdue for a catch up weekend!

8:14 PM  

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