surprise surprise

Please don't get mad--I''m computer illiterate.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Do you see an umbilical cord stuck on my belly ?!! Do you see these chains shackled onto my ankles? ? ? Well--- they're there! Even though you can't see them... they're are obviously there b/c I am still labeled as a mama's girl (in a bad way). I am really getting annoyed with the pressure that I feel whenever I go out late with friends... doing sane things like watching a movie or having a late dinner/snack/outing. I am 21 years old!!!!!!! I am an independent woman!!!!!! I am an ADULT!!! right?---- YESSSSS I AM! at least that's what I keep telling myself. and I am really working hard at believing it...I am really really seeking God's guidance whenever it comes to issues such as these. I mean, of course obedience to parents is right... but if I do it excessively.. isn't that like an abuse of some sort? yeah yeah.... maybe I'm manipulating that too much... "abuse: to use in an improper or wrong way" = improper meaning excessive? Father Pat, where are you?????!!!! So I'm trying to be patient and ask God for such a virtue. And of course I find comfort in Him. And I am reminded many times, "would you rather have protective parents or no parents at all?" And ... of course, I choose to have my parents, any way shape and form. so with that.... here is my public prayer: Dearest Lord, please bless me with the patience to have an open mind and an open heart when dealing with such challenges when it comes to me and my parents' differences in opinion. Amen.


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